Happiness is a Choice

This week I want to talk to you about something a little different but just as important for your health:

your happiness.

How happy are you right this very second? Why do you think you are or are not happy? What are some things that are causing you unhappiness?

I bet you thought of a few things happening in your life, most likely external stressors. (Bills to pay, a job you don’t love, problems in your relationships, school, STRUGGLES) Let me first say, this is so normal and we all get stressed and have struggles to go through every day. That is life. It’s overcoming those struggles that we don’t have any control over. You know what you DO have control over, though? How you let those struggles affect your mental state and the rest of your life. You can make the decision to take those struggles as a lesson you can learn from, or you can let them consume you and cause you unhappiness. We may not have control over those external stressors in life, but we do have complete control over how we react to everything that’s thrown at us.

“It’s not that simple though, Devon.” Trust me, I know this better than anyone. I’ve allowed stress consume me and my happiness to unhealthy levels. This is something I have to work on every single day, but guess what? I’m happier and healthier because of those conscious decisions I make every day.

Here are 5 steps to find your happy again when you’re placed in a stressful situation:

  1. Stop what you’re doing. We live in a world where everything needs to be done yesterday, and this causes us to be afraid to just slow down and collect ourselves. Forget that! Everything will get done and it will be just fine. Stop what you’re doing and focus on where you’re at in the present moment.
  2. Breathe. Once you stop what you’re doing, take a moment to inhale a big breath through your nose. Focus on the breath and exhale slowly through your mouth. Visualize yourself inhaling your happiness and exhaling your stress.
  3. Appreciate your blessings. We all have blessings but we have to take the conscious effort to recognize those blessing as opposed to focusing on those stressors. Take a minute to think of a handful of blessings you’re thankful for today.
  4.  Believe in your abilities. We can all achieve the things we put our minds to, so take a moment to tell yourself that you CAN do this. Go through a list of 5 qualities you have that make you capable of achieving great things. Don’t say you don’t have any because YOU DO.
  5. Visualize. Bring your attention back to the task that was originally causing you stress (hopefully you’ve inadvertently forgotten about it!). Instead of focusing on it as a negative, take it as a lesson that is going to make you stronger, because it will. Before starting back on what you were doing or thinking, visualize yourself achieving this task and flourishing. The law of attraction is a proven concept, so visualize your future of crushing those tasks and overcoming all those stressors!

I’m here to tell you that no matter what life throws at you, YOU’VE GOT THIS. You have to allow yourself to accept that these stressors are going to be a part of life, and that these can be used as a tool to get stronger. Otherwise, these things will only continue to be a negative daily occurrence.





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